Dispelling Common Myths About Codenvy and Cloud IDEs

Josh Stinson
Codenvy Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2017


“People distrust what they don’t understand…”

Anyone who has even a passing interest in the tech industry will have noticed that often when a new technology comes along, it’s wrapped in a cloud of mystery and misunderstandings. The builders of the technology spend the first several months or years explaining and evangelizing the “what and why” of the product.

So in that spirit let’s clear up some of the most common myths and misunderstandings about Codenvy:

Myth #1

Since Codenvy is a Cloud IDE, it can only be used in the cloud.

Run Codenvy locally too.

Sure, several thousand people a week sign-up to use Codenvy in our hosted cloud at codenvy.io, but we also have an on-premises deployment option. That’s right, you can install Codenvy locally, which means you can use it behind a firewall in a secure offline environment, which 100% of our enterprise customers do!

Of course, the local install option isn’t just for large companies, it’s also helpful if you want to use Codenvy while you’re on a flight!

What is perhaps most surprising is that on-premises installs actually have more functionality than our hosted system because you have control over security, permissions, authentication, integrations and extensions that we can’t offer in our hosted public cloud.

Myth #2

Cloud IDEs are only useful for interpreted languages

While many cloud IDEs specialize in web development, Codenvy has actually focused on enterprise development use cases. This meant first-class support of compiled languages was a must so we support >80 languages from Java to C++ to PHP, JavaScript, and even C# — you can even develop desktop and android applications!

Myth #3

Codenvy is less secure than my laptop

If you’re developing on your local machine, then you’re only as secure as your login password. How easy is it to have a laptop stolen, lost/damaged, or compromised? All it takes is one mistake to lose all the code that’s sitting on your hard drive.

Your code is actually safer with Codenvy because it is never downloaded to the developer’s client machine — instead, it’s kept in a Docker container in the Codenvy central system and synced with your source control.

Myth #4

Cloud IDE’s only work with cloud services

When using our hosted solution at codenvy.io, it’s simple to create connections to other cloud services, but enterprises running our on-premises deployment generally connect to private systems behind their firewall.

Myth #5

Cloud IDE’s aren’t true IDE’s because they don’t have Language Services

If you’ve been reading the new about Codenvy recently then you know about the Language Server Protocol and all the advanced features and support that come with it. If you’re not familiar with what that means for IDE language support, it means that Codenvy can support auto-complete, jump to definition, hover help and other advanced features even though it’s a browser IDE.

Plus, the language server protocol enables Codenvy to provide those language services for 7 languages today, with 20+ coming in the near future.


We hope this helped set the record straight and gave you some insight into just how capable Codenvy is of handling your development needs.

If you’re interested in learning more about Codenvy, get in touch with us to see how we can help, or get started with codenvy.io today.

